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Wake me from my slumber
I’ve been dreaming far too long
The living river will take me
Somewhere I don't belong

They're jealous of my skin you see
They have none of their own
They cut and carve away at me
Until there's nothing left but bone
As the ‘The Living River’ drags my body through its water, I am inspected by skeletal figures appearing above me. Deskinned and removed of flesh, these creatures have no exterior body mass that would suggest any specific gender, race or even species. Struggling to identify with my own sexual orientation, gender and mixed heritage, I see a romantic side to these beings. Fascinated with the preconceptions of specific animals and how this changes their value, whether they are seen in agricultural farming or as household pets, my skeletons remain ambiguous, leaving the viewer to relate to them as they wish. I started to apply anti-speciesist ideals towards humanitarian issues, contemplating the breakdown of these hierarchical prejudices between species and how this might have a positive impact on the preconceptions towards humans.
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